These fact sheets were specifically directed toward a form of the model bill introduced in the state of Missouri in 2010.
Fact Sheets
- Talking Points
- Mental Health Professionals on Screening for Risk Factors
- Five More Fact Sheets for Lobbying
- Major Outline of Facts Supporting Need for HB126
- Forced Abortions in America
Abortion Politics—Better Advocacy for Women
The Brief Pro-Life Candidate's Guide to Unwanted Abortions
In brief, a better, more compassionate way to talk about abortion on the campaign trail.
- The Complete, Innovative, Debate Shifting, Head Turning,
Pro-Life Candidate's Message Guide with Talking Points
This pocketbook of facts, quotes, and talking points is the pro-woman/pro-life candidates' essential guide to understanding and articulating the a pro-woman/pro-life message. Talking points. Poll Results. Insights.
- National Post-Abortion Screening Survey
This national poll shows most voters support screening for coercion and other risk factors.
- Abortion decisions and the duty to screen: clinical, ethical, and legal implications of predictive risk factors of post-abortion maladjustment.
This law review article offers the most comprehensive review of the issues relating to negligent pre-abortion screening and the resulting problem of unwanted, unsafe, and unnecessary abortions. Highly recommended.
Promoting Effort
- Letter to Legislator
Sworn Affidavits